Discover Your Life Purpose & Spiritual Calling
Step through the Ancient Gateway of tarot and divination to unveil the blue print of your life path. Lets awaken your intuition and spiritual potential.
R850 100 minutes reading: 60 mins life purpose & spiritual calling exploration, 40 mins general questions.
Face to Face
R900 100 minutes reading: 60 mins life purpose & spiritual calling exploration, 40 mins general questions.
Choose the portal you wish to step through:
Traditional tarot
Angel tarot
Fairy tarot
Gateway Legacy fantasy tarot
Psychic tarot
Modern feminine oracle tarot
Lovers' tarot
Wiccan oracle cards
Gothic oracle cards
Animal tarot
Angel oracle cards
Fairy oracle cards
The following divination methods could be used, as led by your spirit guides: numerology, star sign, angel astrology, medicine wheel, throwing bones, channeling, angel guidance.
Which field of practice am I drawn to the most?
Psychic development (clairvoyance, clairsentience, claircognisance, clairaudience, remote viewing, mediumship, channeling, ghost hunting)
Spiritual development (metaphysics, ancient civilisations, aliens, angelic realm, spiritual beliefs)
Traditional and / or modern healing (energy healing, medicine wheels, herbs, yoga, meditation, crystals, colour, sound)
Divination (oracle cards, palmistry, scrying, numerology, reading tea leaves, throwing bones, pendulums, runes)
Coaching (includes teaching, mentorship, counselling, motivational speaking)