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About Debbie Spiritual Life Coach

It is important 
To awaken the Spirit 
And draw from the human being, 
In every interaction that you have, their own ability to learn,

their own ability to teach, their own ability to find Christ Consciousness.


Marjorie Musacchio

Professional info

As featured on Radio 2000, Debbie Nel is a Spiritual Life Coach and Psychic. She provides psychic insight and guidance through coaching methods, general psychology methodologies, metaphysical approaches, Tarot, Angel readings, medicine wheels and pranic (energy) healing.



Principles of General Psychology

Human Resources Management

Advanced Strategic Management 

Life Coaching

Metaphysics for Life

Magicka School Tarot

Life Changed (TM) Truth Reiki

Angel Reiki



Everyone of us is on a unique journey. My experience has taught me that using only one esoteric healing approach is not as effective as individualising your session with different esoteric modalities and techniques that you require; therefore, each client's session is unique.

I have coupled my psychic mediumship practice, with my studies in general psychology specialising in transpersonal psychology, my studies in metaphysics and my training in life coaching and counselling techniques, tarot reading and shamanism to provide you with more effective spiritual life coaching sessions, to help you cope and to awaken your intuition. Click here to find out what a Spiritual Life Coach does. Guided by my Disir Seija and my fygja,  and Angels, I channel guidance and insight for your spiritual awakening so that you can take back your power and create the life experience you deserve. 

I featured on Radio2000 on Angela Ludek’s show “The Movement”. I have given talks on debunking tarot myths at esoteric fayres and women's meetings and was offered appearances on Siyakholwa, SABC 1 and YFM The Best Thing Ever.



Awaken your Intuition eBook

Guiding Tarot eBook

Reflections Affirmations for Healing eBook

I Can Cope coaching eBook

Positive thinking self help eBook & Toolkit

Dealing with Loss self help CD Toolkit

Vision Board Coach training CD Toolkit

Spiritual Healing training CD Toolkit


Life Coach (LCTI)

Life Changed (TM) Truth Reiki Master

Member of THAI no 3906-17-AF

Being vetted by Best Psychic Directory

2010 - present

2010 - present

THAI (Thai Healing Alliance International)

Debbie is a member of THAI, membership number 3906-17-AF. Her membership gives her recognition for her energy healing studies and ensures that she stays up to date with Pranic energy healing techniques and teachings.

Life Changed (TM) Truth Reiki


Debbie is a Life Changed (TM) Truth Reiki Master, channelled by St Germain, under the teaching of Rev. Michael Amway. Debbie uses her Reiki knowledge in her tarot readings, and when performing Pranic (energy) healing.

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